I have a GADT which is only ever used with two different parameters, ForwardPossible and ():
-- | Used when a forward definition is possible.
data ForwardPossible = ForwardPossible deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Show)
-- | GADT which accepts forward definitions if parameter is ForwardPossible.
data OrForward t forward where
OFKnown :: t -> OrForward t forward
OFForward :: NamespaceID -> SrcSpan -> BS.ByteString -> OrForward t ForwardPossible
deriving instance Eq t => Eq (OrForward t forward)
deriving instance Ord t => Ord (OrForward t forward)
deriving instance Typeable2 OrForward
deriving instance Show t => Show (OrForward t forward)
I would like to derive enough Data.Data instances to cover both OrForward t () and OrForward t ForwardPossible. I don't think a general (Data t, Data forward) => OrForward t forward instance is possible unless it universally ignores OFForward, but either overlapping instances for Data t => OrForward t ForwardPossible and (Data t, Data forward) => OrForward t forward instances could be a solution if there is a way to make ghc derive those instances.
I have tried defining:
deriving instance Data t => Data (OrForward t ())
deriving instance Data t => Data (OrForward t ForwardPossible)
but then ghc gives me an error like this:
Duplicate type signature:
Structure.hs:53:1-70: $tOrForward :: DataType
Structure.hs:52:1-49: $tOrForward :: DataType