OK everyone I have several different methods of performing a FloodFill. All of them cause problems. I will list the 3 methods and explain what happens with each one. If anyone could give me some pointers that would be great. I have seen some similar posts but none of them have been for C#, java, or VB.net (the only languages I know).
The givens for this are that I have a class called PixelData which stores a Color in a CellColor member variable. I have an array that is 50x50 of PixelData objects in size called "pixels". I also have a constant called CANVAS_SIZE which is 50 in this case. Here are the three methods I have tried using.
This one is recursive. It is EXTREMELY prone to stack overflows. I have tried settings a timer that enabled a CanFill member after this method is complete. This still does not prevent the overflows:
private void FloodFill(Point node, Color targetColor, Color replaceColor)
//perform bounds checking X
if ((node.X >= CANVAS_SIZE) || (node.X < 0))
return; //outside of bounds
//perform bounds checking Y
if ((node.Y >= CANVAS_SIZE) || (node.Y < 0))
return; //ouside of bounds
//check to see if the node is the target color
if (pixels[node.X, node.Y].CellColor != targetColor)
return; //return and do nothing
pixels[node.X, node.Y].CellColor = replaceColor;
//try to fill one step to the right
FloodFill(new Point(node.X + 1, node.Y), targetColor, replaceColor);
//try to fill one step to the left
FloodFill(new Point(node.X - 1, node.Y), targetColor, replaceColor);
//try to fill one step to the north
FloodFill(new Point(node.X, node.Y - 1), targetColor, replaceColor);
//try to fill one step to the south
FloodFill(new Point(node.X, node.Y + 1), targetColor, replaceColor);
//exit method
Next I have a method that uses a Queue based fill. This method causes OutOfMemory Exceptions at runtime and is EXTREMELY slow when filling the entire canvas. If just filling a small portion of the canvas, it is somewhat effective:
private void QueueFloodFill(Point node, Color targetColor, Color replaceColor)
Queue<Point> points = new Queue<Point>();
if (pixels[node.X, node.Y].CellColor != targetColor)
while (points.Count > 0)
Point n = points.Dequeue();
if (pixels[n.X, n.Y].CellColor == targetColor)
pixels[n.X, n.Y].CellColor = replaceColor;
if (n.X != 0)
if (pixels[n.X - 1, n.Y].CellColor == targetColor)
points.Enqueue(new Point(n.X - 1, n.Y));
if (n.X != CANVAS_SIZE - 1)
if (pixels[n.X + 1, n.Y].CellColor == targetColor)
points.Enqueue(new Point(n.X + 1, n.Y));
if (n.Y != 0)
if (pixels[n.X, n.Y - 1].CellColor == targetColor)
points.Enqueue(new Point(n.X, n.Y - 1));
if (n.Y != CANVAS_SIZE - 1)
if (pixels[n.X, n.Y + 1].CellColor == targetColor)
points.Enqueue(new Point(n.X, n.Y + 1));
The final method that I have tried also uses a queue based floodfill. This method is MUCH faster than the previous queue based floodfill but also eventually causes OutOfMemory exceptions at runtime. Again, I have tried setting a FillDelay timer that would prevent the user from rapidly clicking but this still doesn't stop the exceptions from occurring. Another bug with this one is that it has a hard time properly filling small areas. I see no point in fixing this until I can get it to not crash.
private void RevisedQueueFloodFill(Point node, Color targetColor, Color replaceColor)
Queue<Point> q = new Queue<Point>();
if (pixels[node.X, node.Y].CellColor != targetColor)
while (q.Count > 0)
Point n = q.Dequeue();
if (pixels[n.X, n.Y].CellColor == targetColor)
Point e = n;
Point w = n;
while ((w.X != 0) && (pixels[w.X, w.Y].CellColor == targetColor))
pixels[w.X, w.Y].CellColor = replaceColor;
w = new Point(w.X - 1, w.Y);
while ((e.X != CANVAS_SIZE - 1) && (pixels[e.X, e.Y].CellColor == targetColor))
pixels[e.X, e.Y].CellColor = replaceColor;
e = new Point(e.X + 1, e.Y);
for (int i = w.X; i <= e.X; i++)
Point x = new Point(i, e.Y);
if (e.Y + 1 != CANVAS_SIZE - 1)
if (pixels[x.X, x.Y + 1].CellColor == targetColor)
q.Enqueue(new Point(x.X, x.Y + 1));
if (e.Y - 1 != -1)
if (pixels[x.X, x.Y - 1].CellColor == targetColor)
q.Enqueue(new Point(x.X, x.Y - 1));
Thanks for everyone's help! All of these methods are based on pseudo code on wikipedia.
I selected the RevisedQueueFloodFill and modified as suggested so that no variables are declared within the loops. An OutOfMemory is still generated. Even with a filldelay timer.
private void RevisedQueueFloodFill(Point node, Color targetColor, Color replaceColor)
Queue<Point> q = new Queue<Point>();
if (pixels[node.X, node.Y].CellColor != targetColor)
Point n, e, w, x;
while (q.Count > 0)
n = q.Dequeue();
if (pixels[n.X, n.Y].CellColor == targetColor)
e = n;
w = n;
while ((w.X != 0) && (pixels[w.X, w.Y].CellColor == targetColor))
pixels[w.X, w.Y].CellColor = replaceColor;
w = new Point(w.X - 1, w.Y);
while ((e.X != CANVAS_SIZE - 1) && (pixels[e.X, e.Y].CellColor == targetColor))
pixels[e.X, e.Y].CellColor = replaceColor;
e = new Point(e.X + 1, e.Y);
for (int i = w.X; i <= e.X; i++)
x = new Point(i, e.Y);
if (e.Y + 1 != CANVAS_SIZE - 1)
if (pixels[x.X, x.Y + 1].CellColor == targetColor)
q.Enqueue(new Point(x.X, x.Y + 1));
if (e.Y - 1 != -1)
if (pixels[x.X, x.Y - 1].CellColor == targetColor)
q.Enqueue(new Point(x.X, x.Y - 1));