Does FCM requires. that the user must have Play Services installed on his phone in order to receive notifications?
You see GCM do but now Im planning to move to FCM hoping it does could I know before testing?
Does FCM requires. that the user must have Play Services installed on his phone in order to receive notifications?
You see GCM do but now Im planning to move to FCM hoping it does could I know before testing?
FCM clients require devices running Android 2.3 or higher that also have the
Google Play Store app installed, or an emulator running Android 2.3 with Google APIs.
Yes it does. Firebase Cloud Messaging is just a rebrand of GCM.
More information in GCM FAQ.
Firebase requires Google Play Services 9.0.0 or newer in order to be used in you application. (This includes FCM).
This is listed as the first prerequisite in the Add Firebase to your Android Project document in the Get Started Guide:
Add Firebase to your Android Project