Currently I have an overflow menu which has default width:
What I want is:
I have tried changing the theme this way:
<style name="MyWorkspaceDetailTheme" parent="@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar">
<item name="android:popupMenuStyle">@style/MyPopupMenu</item>
<style name="MyPopupMenu" parent="@android:style/Widget.Holo.ListPopupWindow">
<item name="android:dropDownWidth">30dp</item>
but didn't got any success. Please can anyone help.
I was follwing this[] tutorial but it did not mention way to change width
So i was also looking same answer and been searching for while, All the questions on Stackoverflow was unanswered. Finally i had to dig the to find out a way.
you will find a method setContentWidth(int width) which actually does our work.
Here is the answer
//.......... Something on top;
// Try to force some horizontal offset
try {
Field fListPopup = menuHelper.getClass().getDeclaredField("mPopup");
Object listPopup = fListPopup.get(menuHelper);
argTypes = new Class[] { int.class };
Class listPopupClass = listPopup.getClass();
// Get the width of the popup window
int width = (Integer) listPopupClass.getDeclaredMethod("getWidth").invoke(listPopup);
// Invoke setHorizontalOffset() with the negative width to move left by that distance
listPopupClass.getDeclaredMethod("setHorizontalOffset", argTypes).invoke(listPopup, -width);
/*********** THIS LINE DOSE OUR WORK and increases the width of OverFlow Menu ******/
listPopupClass.getDeclaredMethod("setContentWidth", argTypes).invoke(listPopup, width+200);
// Invoke show() to update the window's position
} catch (Exception e) {
// Again, an exception here indicates a programming error rather than an exceptional condition
// at runtime
Log.w("Soemthing", "Unable to force offset", e);
To this == >