We want to receive list of nearby places from database using LINQ in ASP.NET 2012 and would like some feedback on our strategy.
My table and fake data:
PlaceId Name Latitude Longitude
1 A 18.1 20.1
2 B 18.2 20.2
3 C 18.3 20.3
1) In our project the client current location (latitude and longitude) is taken as input
2) At server side ,depending upon the client current location, we need to find nearby places from the database using LINQ
Here's the code for SQL which I earlier used , but now we want to use LINQ.
SELECT name, Latitude, Longitude ,
( 3959 * acos( cos( radians(?) )* cos( radians( Latitude) ) * cos( radians( Longitude ) - radians(?) )
+ sin( radians(?) ) * sin( radians( Latitude) ) ) ) AS distance
HAVING distance < ?
ORDER BY distance LIMIT 0 , 20
[But the question is how to write such an query in LINQ.]
My work on this:
While searching for the solution, I came across this code
var Value1 = 57.2957795130823D;
var Value2 = 3958.75586574D;
var searchWithin = 20;
double latitude = ConversionHelper.SafeConvertToDoubleCultureInd(Latitude, 0),
longitude = ConversionHelper.SafeConvertToDoubleCultureInd(Longitude, 0);
var location = (from l in sdbml.Places
let temp = Math.Sin(Convert.ToDouble(l.Latitude) / Value1) * Math.Sin(Convert.ToDouble(latitude) / Value1) +
Math.Cos(Convert.ToDouble(l.Latitude) / Value1) *
Math.Cos(Convert.ToDouble(latitude) / Value1) *
Math.Cos((Convert.ToDouble(longitude) / Value1) - (Convert.ToDouble(l.Longitude) / Value1))
let calMiles = (Value2 * Math.Acos(temp > 1 ? 1 : (temp < -1 ? -1 : temp)))
where (l.Latitude > 0 && l.Longitude > 0)
orderby calMiles
select new location
Name = l.name
return location .ToList();
But the problem is ,how to reference ConversionHelper or under which namespace it comes.
All advice is appreciated.