Using my own controller, I'm adding a product to the Magento cart. It has 3 custom options: 2 dropdown options (color and size) and a file option (design). The code adding the product to the cart is
// obtain the shopping cart
$cart = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart');
// load the product
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')
// do some magic to obtain the select ids for color and size ($selectedSize and $selectedColor)
// ...
// define the buy request params
$params = array(
'product' => $productId,
'qty' => $quantity,
'options' => array(
$customOptionSize->getId() => $selectedSize,
$customOptionColor->getId() => $selectedColor,
// set the file option, but how?
// add this configuration to cart
$cart->addProduct($product, $paramObject);
// set the cart as updated
My question is: How do I attach a certain file to the design option?
The file has already been transferred to the server side (actually via the request). I could, however, fake uploading if this would be required. But until now I have not found a single source of information on setting file custom options...
My best guess from a tour through the Magento sources, is that the buy request needs some additional data (not in the options, but in the params object), like: option_123_file => something, but what exactly is needed I did not figure out yet. This part of the Magento sources is rather, uhh, not so straight forward. Thanks for any help.