I'm developing location based app using this example: http://www.androidhive.info/2012/07/android-gps-location-manager-tutorial/
But when I turn on phone, the location isn't available right on that moment. So I would like to show progress dialog while waiting for the location. Wanna do this in the background using AsyncTask.
Can you give any ideas how and where to do that?
There is no need of AsyncTask because Location service already running in different process, Just implement the LocationListener
and register it on resume method, and in onCreateActivity check if location is null, the show the ProgressDialog
, and in onLocationChanged()
set the location and close the ProgressDialog
Implement locationListner interface and start your wait dialog override onlocation change method and there just cancel the dialog, all the best.
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements LocationListener{
ProgressDialog dialog;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//-------------------- Start your GPS Reading ------------------ //
dialog = new ProgressDialog(this);
dialog.setMessage("Please wait!");
public void onLocationChanged(Location arg0) {
public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Place your ProgressDialog in onPreExecute, sample code below:
private ProgressDialog progressdialog;
protected void onPreExecute(){
progressdialog = new ProgressDialog(yourContext);
protected void onPostExecute(){
I wrote a solution for using ProgressDialog in AsyncTask on the following topic:
Displaying a ProgressDialog while waiting for a joined Thread