Backbone.js with Eco Templates: How to include tem

2019-04-08 22:24发布


Is it possible to include a template within a template? Maybe something similar to the way ERB handles partials?

Rather than attempting to render nested models in a fashion like ERB, it's better to let Backbone.js take care of this.

Note, I am using coffeescript syntax:


template: JST["backbone/templates/projects/index"]

addAll: () ->

addOne: (project) ->
    view = new Worktimer.Views.Projects.ProjectView({model : project})

render: ->
    $(@el).html(@template(projects: @options.projects.toJSON() ))

the model Project has a nested collection called sessions:


template: JST["backbone/templates/projects/project"]

$(@el).html(@template(@model.toJSON() ))     
for s in @model.sessions.models
    v = new Worktimer.Views.ProjectSessions.ShowView(model: s)


template: JST["backbone/templates/project_sessions/show"]

render: ->
    $(this.el).html(@template(@model.toJSON() ))

so, in the end we have nested templates like this:

  • Projects Index
    • Project
      • Session
      • Session
      • Session
      • Session
    • Project
      • Session
    • Project
      • Session
      • Session


here a little helper I use for spine:

# Render Partials in ECO-Templates like in Rails-ERB
# usefull to clean up structure in spine.js and other js-mvc´s like backbone 
# usage:
#   <%- render_partial 'path/to/partial' %>  ..  will render ../spine-app/views/path/to/
#   <%- render_partial 'path/to/partial', foo: 'bar' %>  ..  will render ../spine-app/views/path/to/  ..  locals = @foo 
window.render_partial = ( path, options = {} ) ->
    # add the leading underscore (like rails-partials)
    path = path.split('/')
    path[ path.length - 1 ] = '_' + path[ path.length - 1 ]
    path = path.join('/')
    # render and return the partial if existing
        JST["app/views/#{ path }"]( options )
    catch error
        # if App.Environment != 'production' then "<p class='error'>Sorry, there is no partial named '#{ path }'.</p>" else ''
        "<p class='error'>Sorry, there is no partial named '#{ path }'.</p>"


I don't think Eco supports this. It's intended more as a simple templating system like Mustache than as a full-fledged ERB replacement. On Rails, you'd probably render an Eco template and inject the output into an ERB or Haml template.

For Node.js development, you might want to take a look at CoffeeKup, which lets you do your templating in CoffeeScript and supports partials.


If you prefix the template with .erb, you can use the ERB processor.

Change to, then you'll be able to add <%= %> tags to your CoffeeScript template.