Run Alembic migrations on Google App Engine

2019-04-08 14:53发布


I have a Flask app that uses SQLAlchemy (Flask-SQLAlchemy) and Alembic (Flask-Migrate). The app runs on Google App Engine. I want to use Google Cloud SQL.

On my machine, I run python db upgrade to run my migrations against my local database. Since GAE does not allow arbitrary shell commands to be run, how do I run the migrations on it?


  • Whitelist your local machine's IP:
  • Create an user:
  • Assign an external IP address to the instance:
  • Use the following SQLAlchemy connection URI: SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'mysql://user:pw@ip:3306/DBNAME'
  • Remember to release the IP later as you are charged for every hour it's not used


You can whitelist the ip of your local machine for the Google Cloud SQL instance, then you run the script on your local machine.


It's all just code you can run, so you can create an admin endpoint with which to effect an upgrade:

def dbupgrade():
    from flask_migrate import upgrade, Migrate
    migrate = Migrate(app, db)
    return 'migrated'

(Dropwizard, for instance, caters nicely for such admin things via tasks)