I'm trying to understand Jest's asynchronous testing.
My module has a function which accepts a boolean and returns a Promise of a value. The executer function calls setTimeout
, and in the timed out callback the promise resolves or rejects depending on the boolean initially supplied. The code looks like this:
const withPromises = (passes) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const act = () => {
console.log(`in the timout callback, passed ${passes}`)
if(passes) resolve('something')
else reject(new Error('nothing'))
console.log('in the promise definition')
setTimeout(act, 50)
export default { withPromises }
I'd like to test this using Jest. I guess that I need to use the mock timers Jest provides, so my test script looks a bit like this:
import { withPromises } from './request_something'
describe('using a promise and mock timers', () => {
afterAll(() => {
test('gets a value, if conditions favor', () => {
return withPromises(true)
.then(resolved => {
I get the following error/failed test, whether or not I call jest.runAllTimers()
Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL.
Can you explain where I'm going wrong and what I might do to get a passing test that the promise resolves as expected?