I'm looking for the best way to get curl-like functionality in Dart. For example, how to fetch the google.com web content and output it, as an example.
I found that I can call it via the shell as shown here, however that doesn't seem like the ideal approach:
import 'dart:io';
main() {
var f = new File(new Options().executable);
['--dump-header', '/tmp/temp_dir1_M8KQFW/curl-headers', '--cacert',
'/Users/ager/dart/dart/third_party/curl/ca-certificates.crt', '--request',
'POST', '--data-binary', '@-', '--header', 'accept: ', '--header', 'user-agent: ' ,
'--header', 'authorization: Bearer access token', '--header',
'content-type: multipart/form-data', '--header',
'content-transfer-encoding: binary', '--header',
'content-length: ${f.lengthSync()}', 'http://localhost:9000/upload']).then((p) {
p.onExit = (e) => print(e);
I also looked at the API and could not find anything to help me here.