I'm writing a performance-critical application in C# and the core operation is weight calculations. The function looks like this:
public void ForEachWeight(Action<int, int, float> action)
for (int lower = 0; lower < LowerLayerSize; lower++) {
for (int upper = 0; upper < UpperLayerSize; upper++) {
action(lower, upper, Weights[(lower * UpperLayerSize) + upper]);
And it gets called in dozens of places with various simple functions like:
if (activationMethod == ActivationMethod.Binary) {
ForEachWeight((lower, upper, weight) => upperLayer.Values[upper] += weight;
} else {
ForEachWeight((lower, upper, weight) => upperLayer.Values[upper] += lowerLayer.Values[lower] * weight);
All the calls are done from within the same class so all the variables are accessible. Can C# inline these function calls? I'm thinking for example the above calls can be inlined to something like this:
if (activationMethod == ActivationMethod.Binary) {
for (int lower = 0; lower < LowerLayerSize; lower++) {
for (int upper = 0; upper < UpperLayerSize; upper++) {
upperLayer.Values[upper] += weight;
} else {
for (int lower = 0; lower < LowerLayerSize; lower++) {
for (int upper = 0; upper < UpperLayerSize; upper++) {
upperLayer.Values[upper] += lowerLayer.Values[lower] * weight);
If it doesn't it means tens of thousands of extra function calls which I think are a huge overhead. If this gives even a 10% speed boost it's totally worth it. I can't easily benchmark by manually inlining them for comparison since I'd have to rewrite a lot of code.
So my question is CAN C# inline these calls? And if so, how can I find out IF they have been inlined?