Enable/Disable Tab in ActionBar

2019-04-08 06:34发布


It's possible to enable/disable Tabs in ActionBar? With TabHost this is not a problem.. I do:


and all works.. but if i want to do the same thing with Tabs in ActionBar?? In Tab class don't exist setEnable();

ActionBar bar = getActionBar();
Tab tab =  bar.newTab();
tab.setEnable(false); /*DON'T EXIST!!*/

How can I do??


You could use the removeTab( ActionBar.Tab tab )-method of ActionBar:

bar.removeTab( tab );

And then use the addTab( ActionBar.Tab tab, int position ) to put it back in, provided that you save the position of the Tab you removed:

bar.addTab( tab, savedTabPosition );


I haven't tested this - that will be up to you, but it should give you an general idea on how you could handle your problem.

There are three steps:

First step

We need something that can handle the enable/disable action for us. For this purpose we create the following class:

public class TabItem {
  private Tab tab;
  private Fragment fragment;
  private boolean enabled;

  public TabItem( Tab tab, Fragment fragment ) {
    this.tab = tab;
    this.fragment = fragment;
    enabled = true;

  public Tab getTab() {
    return tab;

  public Fragment getFragment() {
    return fragment;

  public void toggleEnabled() {
    enabled = enabled ? false : true;

  public boolean isEnabled() {
    return enabled;

Second step

We need something that can hold these TabItems and an easy way to access them. For this purpose we add the following class:

public class TabHolder {
  private HashMap<Integer, TabItem> tabs;

  public TabHolder() {
    tabs = new HashMap<Integer, TabItem>();

  public void addTab( TabItem tab ) {
    tabs.put( tab.getTab().getPosition(), tab );

  public TabItem getTab( int position ) {
    return tabs.get( position );

Third step

We need to handle the selection of Tabs ourselves, so we need to create a custom TabListener:

private class MyTabListener implements TabListener {
  public void onTabReselected( Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft ) {
    //Do nothing - unless you want to do something.

  public void onTabSelected( Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft ) {
    TabItem item = tabHolder.getTab( tab.getPosition() );
    if( item.isEnabled() ) {
      ft.remove( item.getFragment() );

  public void onTabUnselected( Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft ) {
    //Do nothing - unless you want to do something.        


We can now utilize our created framework. To do so, we need a TabHolder:

tabHolder = new TabHolder(); //Needs to be declared in the same class as our TabListener

We need to add our Tabs to this:

tabHolder.addTab( new TabItem( tab, fragmentForThisTab ) );

And we need to set our custom TabListener on each Tab:

tab.setTabListener( new MyTabListener() );


To enable or disable a Tab we simply call:

tabHolder.getTab( position ).toggleEnabled();

Let me know how it goes :)


There is a simple way to remove the Tabs-bar from the Actionbar. Just type:


This will remove any tabs-bar.


you can override: public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu), in here set the tab enable/disable for example:


and then you can set the mMessageNeedtoSend true or false,call invalidateOptionsMenu() to refresh ActionBar.


Late answer but hope this workaround might help others who are interested in this issue.

private Handler mHandler;
private int mLastSelectedTabIndex = 0;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // ...

    mHandler = new Handler();

    // ...

    ActionBar bar = getActionBar();

    Tab tab = bar.newTab().setText("Enabled Tab")

    tab = bar.newTab().setText("Disabled Tab")

private TabListener mTabListener = new TabListener() {
    // ...

    public void onTabSelected(Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) {
        int position = tab.getPosition();
        if (position == 1) {
            // Disabled tabs are selected.

            mHandler.postAtFrontOfQueue(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
        } else {
            // Enabled tabs are selected. Do something on your own.

            mLastSelectedTabIndex = position;

    // ...

If you are using ViewPager with it as usual, you can simply utilize its position instead of mLastSelectedTabIndex like this:



This is done by two simple steps(Assuming you set custom view to the tabs):

1- Disable function: Avoid changing tabs

    public void onTabSelected(ActionBar.Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) {
        int position = tab.getPosition();
        if (mModifyMode) {

2- Disable click events:

    public void setModifyMode(boolean modifyMode) {
        mModifyMode = modifyMode;
        for (int i = 0; i < mActionBar.getTabCount(); i++) {
            View parent = (View) mActionBar.getTabAt(i).getCustomView().getParent();

I tested it right now and it is working ;)