I am trying to figure out how to convert roman numerals to integers. This is a portion of my code. When I prompt the user to enter M it shows 1000, but when I prompt the user to enter a roman numeral such as VM, it does not give me 995 but instead 1005. This is because I am telling my program to do just that.
What I am trying to figure out is how I can look ahead and get it to know when it is adding or subtracting roman numerals.
How do I begin to go about doing this?
class Roman
public int inprogress = 0;
public Roman(string roman)
char temp = 'Z';
int length;
length = roman.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
temp = roman[i];
if (temp == 'M')
inprogress = inprogress + 1000;
if (temp == 'D')
inprogress = inprogress + 500;
if (temp == 'C')
inprogress = inprogress + 100;
if (temp == 'L')
inprogress = inprogress + 50;
if (temp == 'X')
inprogress = inprogress + 10;
if (temp == 'V')
inprogress = inprogress + 5;
if (temp == 'I')
inprogress = inprogress + 1;