Here is my simple code
public void onClick(View v) {
try {
double price = Double.parseDouble(ePrice.getText().toString());
double percent = Double.parseDouble(ePercent.getText().toString());
double priceValue = price * percent/100.0f;
double percentValue = price - priceValue;
moneyToGet.setText("" + priceValue);
moneyToPay.setText("" + percentValue);
// catch
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
// write a message to users
This is a simple code for Percentage Calculator.
What I want is to avoid the Scientific Notation in my Calculator cause I don't want to explain to user what is Scientific Notation.
For example if I want to calculate 100,000,000 and cut 50% of it, it Should give me 50,000,000 which is giving me 5.0E7 And in my case this doesn't make any sense to the user. And of course I know both results are correct. Thanks in Advance.