I have a problem about jsoup because of lazyload scrollLoader.js
I reach site with java code, i have listed only 50 image name by jsoup.But when scroll down on site ,lots of image loads continously. My question is that, is it possible to post image amount into url that uses with Jsoup.connect()
to get all image from the site?
here is site : http://www.logowik.com
And this is the usege of script in the site :
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function(e) {
recordCount = 50;
groupID = "0";
catID = "0";
query = "";
userEntry = "";
groupInterval = "0";
AddEvent(window, "resize", CalculateColumns);
document["scrollLoader"] = new scrollLoader({evn : getGrids, seize : 1});
I post this parameters with url like :
with this url I get 50 image,because of recordCount = 50
in script
. but i cannot post this parameter to url.
For getting 100 images, I try this url: http://www.logowik.com/index.php?recordCount=100&g=1&groupID=1&catID=0
but it doesn't effect.