Laravel 5 Paginate + Infinite Scroll jQuery

2019-04-07 21:54发布


I am trying to use paginate() to achieve infinite scroll. I think the easiest way is using the 'infinite-scroll' to achieve this. If you have any other suggestion how to do it without infinite-scroll library, just using jQuery, I'd be happy to know..

I am returning the variable to view like this:

public function index()
    $posts = Post::with('status' == 'verified')

    return view ('show')->with(compact('posts'));

My View:

<div id="content" class="col-md-10">
    @foreach (array_chunk($posts->all(), 3) as $row)
        <div class="post row">
            @foreach($row as $post)
                <div class="item col-md-4">
                    <!-- SHOW POST -->
    {!! $posts->render() !!}

Javascript Part:

$(document).ready(function() {
  (function() {
     var loading_options = {
        finishedMsg: "<div class='end-msg'>End of content!</div>",
        msgText: "<div class='center'>Loading news items...</div>",
        img: "/assets/img/ajax-loader.gif"

         loading: loading_options,
         navSelector: "ul.pagination",
         nextSelector: "ul.pagination  li:last a",   // is this where it's failing?
         itemSelector: "#content div.item"

However, this doesn't work. The ->render() part is working because I am getting [<[1]2]3]>] part. However, the infinite scroll doesn't work. I also don't get any errors in the console.

[<[1]2]3]>] is like this in the view:source:

<ul class="pagination">
       <li class="disabled"><span>«</span> </li>                    //   «
       <li class="active"><span>1</span></li>                       //   1
       <li><a href="">2</a></li>             //   2
       <li><a href="">3</a></li>             //   3
       <li><a href="" rel="next">»</a></li>  //   »


You should be able to use the Pagination just fine as long as your call to get new posts is different than page load. So you'd have two Laravel calls:

1.) To provide the template of the page (including jQuery, CSS, and your max_page count variable -- view HTML) 2.) For the AJAX to call posts based on the page you give it.

This is how I got my infinity scroll to work...


<!-- Your code hasn't changed-->
<div id="content" class="col-md-10">
  @foreach (array_chunk($posts->all(), 3) as $row)
    <div class="post row">
        @foreach($row as $post)
            <div class="item col-md-4">
                <!-- SHOW POST -->
  {!! $posts->render() !!}

<!-- Holds your page information!! -->
<input type="hidden" id="page" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" id="max_page" value="<?php echo $max_page ?>" />

<!-- Your End of page message. Hidden by default -->
<div id="end_of_page" class="center">
    <span>You've reached the end of the feed.</span>

On page load, you will fill in the max_page variable (so do something like this: ceil(Post::with('status' == 'verified')->count() / 30);.

Next, your jQuery:

var outerPane = $('#content'),
didScroll = false;

$(window).scroll(function() { //watches scroll of the window
    didScroll = true;

//Sets an interval so your window.scroll event doesn't fire constantly. This waits for the user to stop scrolling for not even a second and then fires the pageCountUpdate function (and then the getPost function)
setInterval(function() {
    if (didScroll){
       didScroll = false;
       if(($(document).height()-$(window).height())-$(window).scrollTop() < 10){
}, 250);

//This function runs when user scrolls. It will call the new posts if the max_page isn't met and will fade in/fade out the end of page message
function pageCountUpdate(){
    var page = parseInt($('#page').val());
    var max_page = parseInt($('#max_page').val());

    if(page < max_page){
    } else {

//Ajax call to get your new posts
function getPosts(){
        type: "POST",
        url: "/load", // whatever your URL is
        data: { page: page },
        beforeSend: function(){ //This is your loading message ADD AN ID
            $('#content').append("<div id='loading' class='center'>Loading news items...</div>");
        complete: function(){ //remove the loading message
        success: function(html) { // success! YAY!! Add HTML to content container

} //end of getPosts function

There ya go! That's all. I was using Masonry with this code also so the animation worked wonderfully.


Easy and helpful is this tutorial -

Final script could looks like this one

{!! HTML::script('assets/js/jscroll.js') !!}
    $(function () {
            autoTrigger: true,
            loadingHtml: '<img class="center-block" src="/imgs/icons/loading.gif" alt="Loading..." />', // MAKE SURE THAT YOU PUT THE CORRECT IMG PATH
            padding: 0,
            nextSelector: '.pagination + li a',
            contentSelector: 'div.infinite-scroll',
            callback: function() {

You just need to use laravel's pagination

{!! $restaurants->links() !!}