In most defect trackers there is a comment history associated with a ticket/incident/issue/work item.
I wish to get this same information from TFS via the SDK for a work item - ideally:
- Who created the comment.
- The text of the comment.
- Who last updated/edited the comment (if that's event possible in TFS?)
I have determined that a WorkItem has a collection of revisions availabe via the "Revisions" property, and that you can loop through each revision - but a revision does not have a "History" property where I assume I could find the comment created by the user. Also I don't believe it's compulsory to record a comment with each change - so I suspect I will need to ignore revisions that don't have any history property information?
Revisions Property on MSDN
Any thoughts on the best way to fetch this "comment history" information for a work item in TFS - is the revisions list the correct way, or should I be using some other part of the API?