has anyone succeeded to adapt/port Json.NET to a version able to run under Unity3d deployed to iOS (and the webplayer, and android, too, but these seem less problematic), somehow overcoming the AOT issues there?
Or are there plans to release a compatible version of Json.NET?
Many thanks,
Newtonsoft Json fails AOT in iOS and also fails at deserializing anything inheriting from KeyedCollection in the webplayer. Here's a version that has been fixed:
JSON .NET For Unity (Supports iOS)
LitJson and JsonFX would be alternate choice for Unity3D.
We use MiniJson and so far it serves our json needs well :)
Have a look at the modified version of LitJson: UnityLitJson
Actually LitJson has some issues and is not always working as expected, so I created a simple JSON-Lib that can handle all Unity3D Types, Enums and arbitrary classes. Find it at GitHub: Tiny-JSON
You can use it very simple:
// encode
Animal a = new Animal(4);
string json = Json.Encode(a);
// decode
IList<Animal> a = Json.Decode<IList<Animal>>("[{\"legs\":4}, {\"legs\":2}]");
Yes, we share code on client and server and use an older version when it was called NewtonSoft.Json. Works in IOS, Android, everything.
Search for NewtonSoft.Json, and you could probably find an archive.