It looks like the MahApps.Metro ProgressRing control defaults to a Minimum size of 60x60.
There is a property for the ProgressRing called "IsLarge", but even when it is set to "False" it seems to have no effect on being able to make to ProgressRing smaller than 60x60.
Obiviously changing the Height and Width properties do not affect this either.
Looking on GitHUb as the actual c# code for the ProgressRing, it looks like there are several properties to affect ellipse diameter, etc, but these properties are private properties, and can not be set from outside calls.
How can I make this smaller? Say 20x20 or 30x30?
In the below code I specify IsLarge=False, and set the size to 30x30, but it still defaults to 60x60.
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication3.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/MahApps.Metro;component/Styles/Colours.xaml" />
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/MahApps.Metro;component/Styles/Fonts.xaml" />
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/MahApps.Metro;component/Styles/Controls.xaml" />
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/MahApps.Metro;component/Styles/Accents/Orange.xaml" />
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/MahApps.Metro;component/Styles/Accents/BaseLight.xaml" />
<Controls:ProgressRing IsActive="True" IsLarge="False" Height="30" Width="30"></Controls:ProgressRing>
Below are snippets of code from the "ProgressRing.cs" file found on GitHub - MahApps.Metro
namespace MahApps.Metro.Controls
[TemplateVisualState(Name = "Large", GroupName = "SizeStates")]
[TemplateVisualState(Name = "Small", GroupName = "SizeStates")]
[TemplateVisualState(Name = "Inactive", GroupName = "ActiveStates")]
[TemplateVisualState(Name = "Active", GroupName = "ActiveStates")]
public class ProgressRing : Control
private void SetMaxSideLength(double width)
MaxSideLength = width <= 60 ? 60.0 : width;
private void SetEllipseDiameter(double width)
if (width <= 60)
EllipseDiameter = 6.0;
EllipseDiameter = width * 0.1 + 6;
private void UpdateLargeState()
Action action;
if (IsLarge)
action = () => VisualStateManager.GoToState(this, "Large", true);
action = () => VisualStateManager.GoToState(this, "Small", true);
if (_deferredActions != null)
<Controls:ProgressRing x:Name="PRing" IsLarge="False" MinHeight="15" MinWidth="15" Height="15" Width="15"></Controls:ProgressRing>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
PRing.EllipseDiameter = 5;