I have a component structure like this
Idea is that actions on components in block E are processed by a function of component A to state of A and than passed down to B and C as props. I know, that better way was to use Flux, pubsub-js or other Store-message system, but hope if someone can explain why correct to the best of my understanding solution doesn't work.
Calling this function of component A simalteneously from multiple instances of component E leads to race condition with only one change in state (instead of each function call providing a change)
this.setState(update(this.state, {
a: {
[index]: {
b: {
$set: value
Function update here comes from
import update from 'react/lib/update';
Bad solution that goes against ReactJS reccomended practices, but works well:
My question is:
Is it a bug, that multiple simalteneous setState invokes a race condition, or I'm doing something wrong without understnding it?