PostgreSQL loops outside functions. Is that possib

2019-04-07 18:00发布


I'm making comparative about PostgreSQL vs. SQLServer for migrating purposes. Now I'm evaluating T-SQL vs. PL/pgSQL, the thing is that in T-SQL you can use loops or declare variables, for example:

declare @counter int
set @counter = 0
while @counter < 10
   set @counter = @counter + 1
   print 'The counter is ' + cast(@counter as char)

There is no need to put it inside a function or procedure. Can I do that in PostgreSQL?

Searching on the web I found a negative answer doing it in MySQL but I didn't find such answer for Postgres.


You cannot DECLARE (global) variables (well, there are ways around this) nor loop with plain SQL - with the exception of recursive CTEs as provided by @bma.

However, there is the DO statement for such ad-hoc procedural code. Introduced with Postgres 9.0. It works like a one-time function, but does not return anything. You can RAISE notices et al, so your example would just work fine:

   _counter int := 0;
   WHILE _counter < 10
      _counter := _counter + 1;
      RAISE NOTICE 'The counter is %', _counter;  -- coerced to text automatically

If not specified otherwise, the language in the body is plpgsql. You can use any registered procedural language though, if you declare it (like: LANGUAGE plpython).

Postgres also offers generate_series() to generate sets ad-hoc, which may obviate the need for looping in many cases. Try a search here on SO for examples.

Also, you can use the WHERE clause in a data-modifying CTE in plain SQL to fork cases and emulate IF .. THEN .. ELSE .. END ...


You can recursively query result sets using WITH RECURSIVE, assuming you are on Postgresql 8.4+. Docs:

This would allow you to loop your set and process the data in various ways.