I have a replica set on MongoDB Atlas and this is my mongo shell connection string which connects perfectly:
$ mongo "mongodb://MY_SERVER-shard-00-00-clv3h.mongodb.net:27017,MY_SERVER-shard-00-01-clv3h.mongodb.net:27017,MY_SERVER-shard-00-02-clv3h.mongodb.net:27017/MY_DATABASE?replicaSet=MY_REPLICASET-NAME-shard-0" --ssl --username MY_USERNAME --password MY_PASSWORD --authenticationDatabase MY_ADMIN_DATABASE
How Can I convert it to use in mongoose? How Can I build my uri and options variable?
I tried the following without success:
// connection string using mongoose:
var uri = 'mongodb://MY_USER:MY_PASSWORD@' +
'MY_SERVER-shard-00-00-clv3h.mongodb.net:27017,' +
'MY_SERVER-shard-00-01-clv3h.mongodb.net:27017,' +
var options = {
replset: {
ssl: true,
authSource: 'MY_ADMIN_DATABASE',
rs_name: 'MY_REPLICASET_NAME-shard-0'
mongoose.connect(uri, options);
var db = mongoose.connection;
I've tried including user: and pass: on options, removing MY_USER:MY_PASSWORD@ from uri, change rs_name to replicaSet, every unsuccessful attempt. It seems that mongoose is not considering the authSource option.
Using the mongojs, it works fine with the following code:
// connection string using mongojs:
var uri = 'mongodb://MY_USER:MY_PASSWORD@' +
'MY_SERVER-shard-00-00-clv3h.mongodb.net:27017,' +
'MY_SERVER-shard-00-01-clv3h.mongodb.net:27017,' +
var options = {
ssl: true,
authSource: 'MY_ADMIN_DATABASE',
replicaSet: 'MY_REPLICASET_NAME-shard-0'
var db = mongojs(uri,'', options);
But, I need to use mongoose because the ODM in my project.
How can I build my uri and options variable using mongoose?