I'm using angular, bootstrap and a plugin called "ui-bootstrap" for angular to make a carousel.
I have a list of thumbnails and when clicking one a modal with the images in high definition inside a carousel is displayed, something similar to what you have on Amazon or other websites. I was trying to set the first shown image in the carousel as the one the user clicked.
I've been able to get the index of the image using $index as I'm inside an ng-repeat, give it to the modal controller and displayed the carousel with no problems. But the first image i always the index 0, even if I try to set the index that I have.
These are some of the things I tried:
$scope.SliderItems = items; // This one sets the items in the slider array
items[selectedIndex].active = true;
$scope.SliderItems[selectedIndex].active = true;
I also tried to set it on a property, setting the "active" property to true on the required item showed it but then it was blocked on that item, crashing the carousel. Also, tried the property "data-slide-to" on the carousel element without success.
$scope.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex;
So I don't know which property/method to use to do this, and the documentation on the page of the plugin doesn't give me more indications either :(
Does anyone know how to set the default active slide? And even how to set it after loading it as it could be useful to have a carousel with thumbnails on the bottom that you can click to display the main image or something.
I tried to do something like this before and didn't work somehow, but trying again with a different approach I made it work this time. So, after setting the .active=true at the Controller, this is the HTML:
<slide ng-repeat="item in SliderItems" active="item.active">
and just in case, the controller:
$scope.SliderItems = items; // items comes from another controller with the items
$scope.SliderItems[selectedIndex].active = true; //selectedIndex also comes from the other controller