I am getting this error: "Type 'Any' has no subscript members" when trying to run this block of code:
init(snapshot: FIRDataSnapshot) {
key = snapshot.key
itemRef = snapshot.ref
if let postContent = snapshot.value!["content"] as? String { // error
content = postContent
} else {
content = ""
I have been searching for an answer and couldn't find one that solved this problem with FireBase. How would I solve this error?
has the type Any?
, so you need to cast it to the underlying type before you can subscript it. Since snapshot.value!.dynamicType
is NSDictionary
, use an optional cast as? NSDictionary
to establish the type, and then you can access the value in the dictionary:
if let dict = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary, postContent = dict["content"] as? String {
content = postContent
} else {
content = ""
Or, you can do it as a one-liner:
content = (snapshot.value as? NSDictionary)?["content"] as? String ?? ""
I have also a codepiece which allows you to access to the values of the child nodes. I hope this helps you:
if let snapDict = snapShot.value as? [String:AnyObject] {
for child in snapDict{
let shotKey = snapShot.children.nextObject() as! FIRDataSnapshot
if let name = child.value as? [String:AnyObject]{
var _name = name["locationName"]
Best regards,
Nazar Medeiros