I have a dynamic query @strQuery
which on executing gives a result with lots of column.
I want to insert the result from this dynamic query into a temporary table .
I am doing this because I want to perform some filtering on the temporary table and get required result .
A similar question was asked on previous thread HERE
in which a temporary table is created first and then data inserted using INSERT INTO
I want to avoid this step due to long list of columns and also the datatypes of fields is not known to me.
select * into #tmh from
Error Message
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'exec'.
How to do this ? Is it possible to be done in this way ? If not , please specify some other alternative to get store the result on executing dynamic query into a table.
I have faced this situation before and here is what I did:
DECLARE @strQuery nVarchar(100)
SET @strQuery='SELECT * into [tempdb].[dbo].[temptable] FROM YourTable'
EXECUTE sp_executesql @strQuery
SELECT * FROM [tempdb].[dbo].[temptable]
DROP TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[temptable]
It works fine. Don't ask me why a FQ table name and not #temptable. I have no idea. It does not work. The only way I could get it working was using [tempdb].[dbo].[temptable]
proceed like this
select t1.name,t1.lastname from(select * from table)t1.
where "select * from table" is your dyanmic query. which will return result which you can use as temp table t1 as given in example .
You can use variables in your current execution context, set by the Dynamic SQL with the OUTPUT option. Sample code below.
SET @Amount = NULL
SET @SQL = ('SELECT @amt=100' )
EXECUTE sp_executeSQL @SQL, N'@amt MONEY OUTPUT', @amt=@Amount OUTPUT
SELECT @Amount
Yes you can make a new dynamic query containing the original query with the insert like this:
declare @strNewQuery varchar(max)
set @strNewQuery ='select * into #tmh from ('+@strQuery+') as t'
I used this to work around - with out dynamic query
This uses a table variable to receive data to procedure
Even joins can be applied to it
select * into #itemPhantom from @tbl_items_upload
select * from #itemPhantom
select #itemPhantom.itemreference from #itemPhantom left join phantom on phantom.name=#itemPhantom.PhantomName