Is there a way to check whether the below setting is enabled or disabled programmatically in Android?
Settings > Security > Device Administration > Notification Access > My App
Currently I'm invoking the settings dialog from my app through the below method but if the settings are already enabled then I dont want to present this settings.
Intent intent = new Intent("android.settings.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SETTINGS");
Make it simple
if (Settings.Secure.getString(this.getContentResolver(),"enabled_notification_listeners").contains(getApplicationContext().getPackageName()))
//service is enabled do something
} else {
//service is not enabled try to enabled by calling...
getApplicationContext().startActivity(new Intent(
'else' part is optional according your question
To judge whether Android Settings Notification contains your app or not, you should do:
import android.provider.Settings;
String enabledAppList = Settings.Secure.getString(
this.getContentResolver(), "enabled_notification_listeners");
boolean temp = enabledAppList.contains("youAppName");
Keeping the status in a static variable from onBind() and onUnbind() worked for me.
public boolean onUnbind(Intent mIntent) {
boolean mOnUnbind = super.onUnbind(mIntent);
Common.isNotificationAccessEnabled = false;
return mOnUnbind;
public IBinder onBind(Intent mIntent) {
IBinder mIBinder = super.onBind(mIntent);
Common.isNotificationAccessEnabled = true;
return mIBinder;