jQuery plugin DataTables: How to highlight the cur

2019-01-07 21:32发布


I have started using the DataTables plugin (v1.6.2) for jQuery(v1.4.2), and I would like to ask you if you know a settings or a plugin that allow me to highlight the text used in search textbox on the filtered rows.

Thank you in advance


I would have to suggest the highlight plugin :)

I'm using this in about the same scenario right now, it's given me no issues thus far.

The usage is pretty simple:


Just put the highlight CSS class in your stylesheet styles like you want and that's it:

.highlight { background-color: yellow }


You can use this function by coping this content :

jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnSearchHighlighting = function(oSettings) {
    oSettings.oPreviousSearch.oSearchCaches = {};       
    oSettings.oApi._fnCallbackReg( oSettings, 'aoRowCallback', function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull) {
    // Initialize search string array
    var searchStrings = [];
    var oApi = this.oApi;
    var cache = oSettings.oPreviousSearch.oSearchCaches;
    // Global search string
    // If there is a global search string, add it to the search string array
    if (oSettings.oPreviousSearch.sSearch) {
    // Individual column search option object
    // If there are individual column search strings, add them to the search string array
    if ((oSettings.aoPreSearchCols) && (oSettings.aoPreSearchCols.length > 0)) {
        for (var i in oSettings.aoPreSearchCols) {
            if (oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[i].sSearch) {
    // Create the regex built from one or more search string and cache as necessary
    if (searchStrings.length > 0) {
        var sSregex = searchStrings.join("|");
        if (!cache[sSregex]) {
            var regRules = "("
            ,   regRulesSplit = sSregex.split(' ');

            regRules += "("+ sSregex +")";
            for(var i=0; i<regRulesSplit.length; i++) {
              regRules += "|("+ regRulesSplit[i] +")";
            regRules += ")";

            // This regex will avoid in HTML matches
            cache[sSregex] = new RegExp(regRules+"(?!([^<]+)?>)", 'ig');
        var regex = cache[sSregex];
    // Loop through the rows/fields for matches
    jQuery('td', nRow).each( function(i) {
        // Take into account that ColVis may be in use
        var j = oApi._fnVisibleToColumnIndex( oSettings,i);
        // Only try to highlight if the cell is not empty or null
        if (aData[j]) {         
            // If there is a search string try to match
            if ((typeof sSregex !== 'undefined') && (sSregex)) {
                this.innerHTML = aData[j].replace( regex, function(matched) {
                    return "<span class='filterMatches'>"+matched+"</span>";
            // Otherwise reset to a clean string
            else {
                this.innerHTML = aData[j];
    return nRow;
}, 'row-highlight');
return this;

inside :


an call it like this example:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.dataTables.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="dataTables.search-highlight.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
       var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
    } );

and add this code to you css file:

    background-color: #BFFF00;


I know that this question is now over 6 years old and the answers here may helped you at the time of asking. But for people still searching for this, there is a new plugin to integrate mark.js – a JavaScript keyword highlighter – into DataTables: datatables.mark.js.

Usage is as simple as:

    mark: true

Here is an example: https://jsfiddle.net/julmot/buh9h2r8/

This is the cleanest way and also gives you options none of the given solutions offers you.

There's now an official DataTables blog article available.


You can use the following add on

jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnSearchHighlighting = function(oSettings) {
    // Initialize regex cache
    oSettings.oPreviousSearch.oSearchCaches = {};

    oSettings.oApi._fnCallbackReg( oSettings, 'aoRowCallback', function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull) {
        // Initialize search string array
        var searchStrings = [];
        var oApi = this.oApi;
        var cache = oSettings.oPreviousSearch.oSearchCaches;
        // Global search string
        // If there is a global search string, add it to the search string array
        if (oSettings.oPreviousSearch.sSearch) {
        // Individual column search option object
        // If there are individual column search strings, add them to the search string array

     //   searchTxt=($('#filter_input input[type="text"]')?$('#filter_input input[type="text"]').val():"");
        var searchTxt = $('input[type="search"]').val();
        // console.log("txt" + searchTxt);
        if ((oSettings.aoPreSearchCols) && (oSettings.aoPreSearchCols.length > 0)) {
            for (var i in oSettings.aoPreSearchCols) {
                if (oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[i].sSearch) {
        // Create the regex built from one or more search string and cache as necessary
        /*if (searchStrings.length > 0) {
            var sSregex = searchStrings.join("|");
            if (!cache[sSregex]) {
                // This regex will avoid in HTML matches
                cache[sSregex] = new RegExp("("+escapeRegExpSpecialChars(sSregex)+")(?!([^<]+)?>)", 'i');
            var regex = cache[sSregex];
        if (searchStrings.length > 0) {
            var sSregex = searchStrings.join("|");
            if (!cache[sSregex]) {
                var regRules = "("
                ,   regRulesSplit = sSregex.split(' ');

                regRules += "("+ sSregex +")";
                for(var i=0; i<regRulesSplit.length; i++) {
                  regRules += "|("+ regRulesSplit[i] +")";
                regRules += ")";

                // This regex will avoid in HTML matches
                cache[sSregex] = new RegExp(regRules+"(?!([^<]+)?>)", 'ig');
            var regex = cache[sSregex];

        // Loop through the rows/fields for matches
        jQuery('td', nRow).each( function(i) {

            // Take into account that ColVis may be in use
            var j = oApi._fnVisibleToColumnIndex( oSettings,i);
            // Only try to highlight if the cell is not empty or null
         //   console.log("data "+ aData[j] + " j " + j);
         //   console.log("data 1  "+ nRow);
            if (aData) {
                // If there is a search string try to match
                if ((typeof sSregex !== 'undefined') && (sSregex)) {
                    //console.log("here :: "+$(this).text());
                    this.innerHTML = $(this).text().replace( regex, function(matched) {

                        return "<span class='filterMatches'>"+matched+"</span>";
                // Otherwise reset to a clean string
                else {
                    this.innerHTML = $(this).text();//aData[j];
        return nRow;
    }, 'row-highlight');
    return this;

This solution is working for me. Note: Currently it does not support individual column filtering, but you just have to uncomment following in the code.

searchTxt=($('#filter_input input[type="text"]')?$('#filter_input input[type="text"]').val():"");

I have tested this with datatables 1.10.2 and jquery 1.9.2 version.


This add on have better feature for highlighting search text. if you have created datatable in a dialog , then on dialog reopen you need to reinitialize datatable.

In DatatableHighlighter.js

jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnSearchHighlighting = function(oSettings) {
    // Initialize regex cache
    oSettings.oPreviousSearch.oSearchCaches = {};

    oSettings.oApi._fnCallbackReg( oSettings, 'aoRowCallback', function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull) {
        // Initialize search string array
        var searchStrings = [];
        var oApi = this.oApi;
        var cache = oSettings.oPreviousSearch.oSearchCaches;
        // Global search string
        // If there is a global search string, add it to the search string array
        if (oSettings.oPreviousSearch.sSearch) {
        // Individual column search option object
        // If there are individual column search strings, add them to the search string array

     //   searchTxt=($('#filter_input input[type="text"]')?$('#filter_input input[type="text"]').val():"");
        var searchTxt = $('input[type="search"]').val();
        // console.log("txt" + searchTxt);
        if ((oSettings.aoPreSearchCols) && (oSettings.aoPreSearchCols.length > 0)) {
            for (var i in oSettings.aoPreSearchCols) {
                if (oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[i].sSearch) {
        // Create the regex built from one or more search string and cache as necessary

        if (searchStrings.length > 0) {
            var sSregex = searchStrings.join("|");
            if (!cache[sSregex]) {
                var regRules = "("
                ,   regRulesSplit = sSregex.split(' ');

                regRules += "("+ sSregex +")";
                for(var i=0; i<regRulesSplit.length; i++) {
                  regRules += "|("+ regRulesSplit[i] +")";
                regRules += ")";

                // This regex will avoid in HTML matches
                cache[sSregex] = new RegExp(regRules+"(?!([^<]+)?>)", 'ig');
                //cache[sSregex] = new RegExp(regRules+"", 'ig');
            var regex = cache[sSregex];

        // Loop through the rows/fields for matches
        jQuery('td', nRow).each( function(i) {

            // Take into account that ColVis may be in use
            var j = oApi._fnVisibleToColumnIndex( oSettings,i);

            if (aData) {
                // If there is a search string try to match
                if ((typeof sSregex !== 'undefined') && (sSregex)) {
                    //For removing previous added <span class='filterMatches'>
                    var element = $(this);//convert string to JQuery element
                    element.find("span").each(function(index) {
                        var text = $(this).text();//get span content
                        $(this).replaceWith(text);//replace all span with just content
                    var newString = element.html();//get back new string

                    this.innerHTML = newString.replace( regex, function(matched) {

                        return "<span class='filterMatches'>"+matched+"</span>";
                // Otherwise reset to a clean string
                else {
                    //For removing previous added <span class='filterMatches'>
                    var element = $(this);//convert string to JQuery element
                    element.find("span").each(function(index) {
                        var text = $(this).text();//get span content
                        $(this).replaceWith(text);//replace all span with just content
                    var newString = element.html();
                    this.innerHTML = newString;//$(this).html()//$(this).text();
        return nRow;
    }, 'row-highlight');
    return this;

and call it like this ....

$("#button").click(function() {
                  dTable = $('#infoTable').dataTable({"bPaginate": false,"bInfo" : false,"bFilter": true,"bSort":false, "autoWidth": false,"destroy": true,
              "columnDefs": [
                               { "width": "35%", "targets": 0 },
                               { "width": "65%", "targets": 1 }
          $(".dataTables_filter input[type='search']").val('');

