Is there such a way to capture desktop with node.js not a browser tab?
I have searched a lot but I didn't find any.
What I want is to use node.js to build desktop application.
Is there such a way to capture desktop with node.js not a browser tab?
I have searched a lot but I didn't find any.
What I want is to use node.js to build desktop application.
You can use
to make screenshot of screen of current user running nodejs application. Something like this (it is complete expressJS example):
var express = require('express'),
childProcess = require('child_process'),
app = express();
app.get('/screenshot.png', function(request,response){
childProcess.exec('scrot screenshot.png', function(err){
if(err1) {
response.send(503,'Error creating image!');
} else {
But this is quite slow approach.
Why don't you just call an external program?
For example, you could call import:
$ import -window root screenshot.png
The code:
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
exec('import -window root screenshot.png', function (error, stdout, stderr){
// now you have the screenshot
Full Resolution
var screenshot = require('desktop-screenshot');
screenshot("screenshot.png", function(error, complete) {
console.log("Screenshot failed", error);
console.log("Screenshot succeeded");
Resize to 400px wide, maintain aspect ratio
var screenshot = require('desktop-screenshot');
screenshot("screenshot.png", {width: 400}, function(error, complete) {
console.log("Screenshot failed", error);
console.log("Screenshot succeeded");
Resize to 400x300, set JPG quality to 60%
var screenshot = require('desktop-screenshot');
screenshot("screenshot.jpg", {width: 400, height: 300, quality: 60}, function(error, complete) {
console.log("Screenshot failed", error);
console.log("Screenshot succeeded");
Perhaps you should rephrase your question as follow:
How to capture desktop screen of computer host where it's running on http client's request and send back the image as response
If that's what you actually mean, you can write your own add-on module using native compiler. For reference, see this post).
For the newcomers ,
There is a npm package called desktop-screenshot for exactly the same purpose.
Here it is
You can find an addon where the screenshot is taken and saved to any user defined path.User can also specify a time interval for the screenshot capture. Here