Some of my mstest unit tests help detect multi-threading race conditions, and as such they are most useful when run many times in a row, but I only want to do this for specific test runs -- not all the time.
Is there a way to configure mstest (in the Test List Editor preferably) to run a test multiple times?
I needed to do something similar, so I came up with a solution to this.
It's not simple, but once everything is setup you can reuse it across projects. I also have a download of this code on GitHub (, but in case that goes away at some point, here is how I did it.
First we create an attribute that we will apply to our class to tell it run all the tests multiple times. Do all of this in a separate assembly, because the DLL needs to live in a special location.
public class TestLooperAttribute : TestClassExtensionAttribute
private static readonly Uri thisGuy = new Uri("urn:TestLooperAttribute");
private string _PropertyName;
public string PropertyName
{ return _PropertyName; }
_PropertyName = value;
public override Uri ExtensionId
get {
return thisGuy; }
public override TestExtensionExecution GetExecution()
return new TestLooperExecution(PropertyName);
Next we have to create a custom test class execution class:
class TestLooperExecution : TestExtensionExecution
private string PropertyName;
public TestLooperExecution(string PropertyName)
this.PropertyName = PropertyName;
public override ITestMethodInvoker CreateTestMethodInvoker(TestMethodInvokerContext InvokerContext)
return new TestLooperInvoker(InvokerContext, PropertyName);
public override void Dispose()
//TODO: Free, release or reset native resources
public override void Initialize(TestExecution Execution)
//TODO: Wire up event handlers for test events if needed
Finally we add a custom invoker, which is where we perform the looping:
class TestLooperInvoker : ITestMethodInvoker
private TestMethodInvokerContext m_invokerContext;
private string PropertyName;
public TestLooperInvoker(TestMethodInvokerContext InvokerContext, string PropertyName)
m_invokerContext = InvokerContext;
this.PropertyName = PropertyName;
public TestMethodInvokerResult Invoke(params object[] args)
// Our helper results class to aggregate our test results
HelperTestResults results = new HelperTestResults();
IEnumerable<object> objects = m_invokerContext.TestContext.Properties[PropertyName] as IEnumerable<object>;
foreach (var d in objects)
results.AddTestResult(m_invokerContext.InnerInvoker.Invoke(d), new object[1] { d.GetType().ToString()});
var output = results.GetAllResults();
return output;
The HelperTestResults class just builds up strings for output, you can handle this how you want and I don't want to include that code because it will just make this post that much longer.
Compile this into a DLL and then you need to copy it to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies
You also have to create a registry entry for the class:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"AttributeProvider"="TestLooper.TestLooperAttribute, TestLooper"
Now that you have all of that done, you can finally use the class:
using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using TestLooper;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UnitTestSamples
public class UnitTest1
public static List<String> strings = new List<String>();
private TestContext testContextInstance;
public TestContext TestContext
return testContextInstance;
testContextInstance = value;
public static void Init(TestContext x)
public void TestInit()
if (!TestContext.Properties.Contains("strings"))
testContextInstance.Properties.Add("strings", strings);
[DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.CSV", "DataDriven1.csv", "DataDriven1#csv", DataAccessMethod.Sequential)]
public void TestMethodStrings(string s)
int value1 = Convert.ToInt32(TestContext.DataRow["Col1"]); ;
TestContext.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}:{1}", s, value1));
Notice that our test method accepts a parameter, which comes from the test looper. I also show this using a data driven test, to show you can combine the two together to generate large permutations across your data sets.
public void RepetableTest(){
for(int i = 0; i < repeatNumber; i++){
//test code goes here
Consider creating a test to spin off a couple of threads. The Test List won't allow you to have multiple entries for the same test. You could assign, however, the multi-threaded test to its own list and call it only when you want to run that particular test.
I guess the answer is no.