I am developing an Android app. In my app, I am integrating Facebook Login. My facebook login working fine. But not working when I produce release apk and run that app and try to log in with Facebook. Please see my scenario below.
- I generate release apk like below
Then I generate keyhash using that jks file path.
I got a hash key and then add it to the developer profile settings.
When I install and run that apk on my device and login using Facebook, it always shows error like below.
Facebook hash key misconfiguration. Actually all the steps I did was right. So what I tried is, I tried copy that hash key to developer settings and not working. I tried another way. I generated new release apk with new key(Different jks file). Then I generated hash key for it and add it to developer settings. Then I run app on my phone and log in. It gives me same error. Besides, it shows the same error with same hash key even if I generated another release apk with different key. What is wrong?
This is additional
All the release apk can login to Facebook at first time. Then log in again. Above error shows. Unstall the app and install again not working. But if I generate a release apk with different keystore, it works for the first time, then not working. Unstall and reinstall not working as well. What is the possible error?