web.config allowDefinition=MachineToApplication er

2019-04-07 09:37发布


Under the root directory I have the following structure

Report Folder
- Login.aspx
- Web.config
  |-> ViewReport
       |-> Report.aspx

In my web.config file in the Report folder I have the following:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
            <authentication mode="Forms">
                <forms loginUrl="Login.aspx" defaultUrl="ViewReport/Report.aspx">
                    <credentials passwordFormat="Clear">
                        <user name="Johl" password="pass888"/>

        <location path="ViewReport/Report.aspx">
                    <allow users="Johl"/>
                    <deny users="*"/>

When I start debugging I get the following message:

It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.

NOTE that in my root web.config I have something like the following:

In my root, I already have the following:

            <authentication mode="Forms">
                <forms loginUrl="Str/StrUserLogin.aspx" timeout="2880" slidingExpiration="true"  />         
                <allow users="*" />


Create a virtual directory at the site root. This can be done via project properties in VS under the Web tab.

It's also possible that you have things defined in the sub-directory that should be in the root config file. See similar question here:

Error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level


Converting your folder/project into an application in IIS can resolved this error.


The contents of the web.config in the subdirectory should be placede in the root directory. The configuration in the subdirectory is making IIS treat the subdirectory as the application root but it is not the application root. This is why you get the error allowDefinition='MachineToApplication'.


This error seems to occur if you try to open an asp.net WEBSITE and run it while it was originally encapsulated by a SOLUTION. Do this: Close the website, find the related solution (.sln-file) further up in the file system and open this in stead. Inside the solution you will now be able to use your website without getting this error.

It would be nice if Microsoft could guide people in the right direction when they get lost in asp.net like this. The present error message about allowDefinition=MachineToApplication is not understandable for normal humans like me.


I opened the web site from IIS instead of file system and it worked.


I deleted my bin and obj folder for the project and then rebuilt the solution and everything was working fine...not a technically savvy answer but it works.


This error occur if your web.config file and your all aspx file are not in the same folder. so please put all the files in the same folder.
