
force-stop momentum scrolling on iphone/ipad in ja

2019-04-07 01:28发布


Is it possible to force-stop momentum scrolling on iphone/ipad in javascript?

Extra: pretty sure this is pie in the sky, but for bonuspoints (honor and kudos), after dom-manipulation and a scrollTo applied, resume scroll with the same momentum before the forced stop. How to?


This is actually very possible when using fastclick.js. The lib removes the 300ms click delay on mobile devices and enables event capturing during inertia/momentum scrolling.

After including fastclick and attaching it to the body element, my code to stop scrolling and go to the top looks like this:

scrollElement.style.overflow = 'hidden';
scrollElement.scrollTop = 0;
setTimeout(function() {
  scrollElement.style.overflow = '';
}, 10);

The trick is to set overflow: hidden, which stops the inertia/momentum scrolling. Please see my fiddle for a full implementation of stop scrolling during inertia/momentum.


Here is my code using jQuery animation (running as onclick event)

var obj=$('html, body'); // your element

if(!obj.is(':animated')) {

    obj.css('overflow', 'hidden').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, function(){ obj.css('overflow', ''); });


Tested on iPhone 6