I use this #(\s|^)([a-z0-9-_]+)#i
for capitalize every first letter every word, i want it also to capitalize the letter if it's after a special mark like a dash(-)
Now it shows:
This Is A Test For-stackoverflow
And i want this:
This Is A Test For-Stackoverflow
Any suggestions/samples for me?
I'am not a pro, so try to keep it simple for me to understand.
A simple solution is to use word boundaries:
Alternatively, you can match for just a few characters:
+1 for word boundaries, and here is a comparable Javascript solution. This accounts for possessives, as well:
var re = /(\b[a-z](?!\s))/g;
var s = "fort collins, croton-on-hudson, harper's ferry, coeur d'alene, o'fallon";
s = s.replace(re, function(x){return x.toUpperCase();});
console.log(s); // "Fort Collins, Croton-On-Hudson, Harper's Ferry, Coeur D'Alene, O'Fallon"
Actually dont need to match full string just match the first non-uppercase letter like this:
Try #([\s-]|^)([a-z0-9-_]+)#i
- the (\s|^)
matches a whitespace character (\s
) or the start of the line (^
). When you change the \s
to [\s-]
, it matches any whitespace character or a dash.
this will make
R.E.A.C De Boeremeakers
r.e.a.c de boeremeakers
(?<=\A|[ .])(?<up>[a-z])(?=[a-z. ])
Dim matches As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(inputText, "(?<=\A|[ .])(?<up>[a-z])(?=[a-z. ])")
Dim outputText As New StringBuilder
If matches(0).Index > 0 Then outputText.Append(inputText.Substring(0, matches(0).Index))
index = matches(0).Index + matches(0).Length
For Each Match As Match In matches
outputText.Append(inputText.Substring(Match.Index + 1, Match.NextMatch.Index - Match.Index - 1))
Catch ex As Exception
outputText.Append(inputText.Substring(Match.Index + 1, inputText.Length - Match.Index - 1))
End Try