Hey people... trying to get my mocking sorted with asp.net MVC.
I've found this example on the net using Moq, basically I'm understanding it to say: when ApplyAppPathModifier is called, return the value that was passed to it.
I cant figure out how to do this in Rhino Mocks, any thoughts?
var response = new Mock<HttpResponseBase>();
response.Expect(res => res.ApplyAppPathModifier(It.IsAny<string>()))
.Returns((string virtualPath) => virtualPath);
If you are using the stub method as opposed to the SetupResult method, then the syntax for this is below:
response.Stub(res => res.ApplyAppPathModifier(Arg<String>.Is.Anything))
.Do(new Func<string, string>(s => s));
As I mentioned above, sods law, once you post for help you find it 5 min later (even after searching for a while). Anyway for the benefit of others this works:
.Do((Func<string, string>)((arg) => { return arg; }));
Unless I'm misreading the code, I think you can simplify that down quite a bit. Try this:
var response = MockRepository.GenerateMock<HttpResponseBase>();
response.Stub(res => res.ApplyAppPathModifier(Arg<String>.Is.Anything))