I made an R-package called TRIMmaps and tried to install it with the command
R CMD INSTALL TRIMmaps_v1.12.0
I received the following error message:
Error in unloadNamespace(package) :
namespace ‘Rcpp’ is imported by ‘plyr’ so cannot be unloaded
Error in library(pkg, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, lib.loc = lib.loc) :
“Rcpp” version 0.11.2 cannot be unloaded.
I do need package plyr, however, because when I remove it I get the message:
Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]) :
there is no package called ‘plyr’
I removed both packages plyr
and Rcpp
and installed them again. My current version of Rcpp
now is 0.11.5, but when I try to install the TRIMmaps-package again, I get the same error message as above including the line “Rcpp” version 0.11.2 cannot be unloaded
. Although I have removed the older Rcpp-version and replaces it by 0.11.5, here still a problem occurs with 0.11.2.
How do I solve this? Any hint is appreciated.