does python 3.5 provide functions that allow to test whether a given
argument would fit the type hints given in the function declaration?
if i have e.g. this function:
def f(name: List[str]):
is there a python method that can check whether
name = ['a', 'b']
name = [0, 1]
name = []
name = None
fit the type hints?
i know that 'no type checking happens at runtime' but can i still check the
validity of these arguments by hand in python?
or if python does not provide that functionality itself: what is the tool i'd
need to use?
Python itself doesn't provide such functions, you can read more about it here:
I wrote a decorator for that. This is the code of my decorator:
from typing import get_type_hints
def strict_types(function):
def type_checker(*args, **kwargs):
hints = get_type_hints(function)
all_args = kwargs.copy()
all_args.update(dict(zip(function.__code__.co_varnames, args)))
for argument, argument_type in ((i, type(j)) for i, j in all_args.items()):
if argument in hints:
if not issubclass(argument_type, hints[argument]):
raise TypeError('Type of {} is {} and not {}'.format(argument, argument_type, hints[argument]))
result = function(*args, **kwargs)
if 'return' in hints:
if type(result) != hints['return']:
raise TypeError('Type of result is {} and not {}'.format(type(result), hints['return']))
return result
return type_checker
You can use it like that:
def repeat_str(mystr: str, times: int):
return mystr * times
Though it's not very pythonic to restrict your function to accept only one type. Though you can use abc (abstract base classes) like number
(or custom abc) as type-hints and restrict your functions to accept not only one type, but whatever combination of types you want.
Added a github repo for it, if anybody wants to use it.
This is an old question, but there is a tool I've written for doing run time type checking based on type hints: