I'm building a Chrome extension, in which I need to embed a SWFobject in the background page.
Everything works, except the JavaScript controls for the SWFobject and the eventListeners.
My guess is that it has something to do with the cross-domain policies, because while testing the page on a webserver everything worked fine.
Anyway, here's a snippet:
In the main page:
var playerView = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage();
In the background:
function playerPause() {
if (postData[nowPlaying].provider == 'youtube' ) {
else if (postData[nowPlaying].provider == 'soundcloud' ) {
And the eventListeners:
soundcloud.addEventListener('onMediaEnd', playerNext);
function onYouTubePlayerReady(player) {
player.addEventListener("onStateChange", "function(state){ if(state == 0) { playerNext(); } }");
In the console it throws
"Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'pauseVideo'"
for both the Youtube embed the Soundcloud one.
Also, the SWFobject is embedded like this (and works):
function loadTrack (id) {
if(postData[id].provider == 'youtube') {
"http://www.youtube.com/e/" + postData[id].url + "?enablejsapi=1&playerapiid=player",
autoplay: 1
allowScriptAccess: "always"
id: "player"
else if(postData[id].provider == 'soundcloud') {
enable_api: true,
object_id: 'player',
url: postData[id].url,
auto_play: true
allowscriptaccess: 'always'
id: 'player',
name: 'player'
Sorry for the lengthy post, I wanted to provide as much information as possible.
Also, I know the code isn't pretty, this was only my second application ;)
Thanks a lot in advance to anyone who can help,