It seems that VBA has been changed in Excel 2016/2013, as far as it starts throwing errors on places, where it does not throw on Excel 2010.
The code below does the following:
- creates 17 dates in a the first row of the ActiveSheet;
- fills date array, with 4 values
- one within the first row
- one not in the first row
- one in the year 1913
- one before the year 1904
- it looks for each value and colors the cell in red if it is found;
In Excel 2010, it runs smoothly, finding one value and not finding the other 3 as expected. Everything is ok.
In Excel 2016/2013, it gets unhappy with the value before 1904 and throws an error
Invalid procedure call or argument (Error 5)
on the Set foundRange = Rows(1).Find(someDates(cnt))
So, it seems that in Excel 2016/2013 under the Date1904 rule, there is some kind of a check that is made that 04.01.1900
is before the year 1904
and thus it cannot be parsed to a date in the Excel date system? While in Excel 2010 this is not the case.
So the question - Is this feature/behaviour documented?
Public Sub TestMe()
ThisWorkbook.Date1904 = True
Cells.Clear 'clearing up all.
Dim cnt As Long
For cnt = 3 To 20
Cells(1, cnt) = DateAdd("M", cnt, DateSerial(2016, 1, 1))
Cells(1, cnt).NumberFormat = "MMM-YY"
Next cnt
Dim someDates(3) As Date
someDates(0) = DateSerial(2016, 1, 1) 'exists
someDates(1) = DateSerial(2012, 1, 1) 'does not exist in the range
someDates(2) = 5000 '08.09.1913 (in VBA)
someDates(3) = 5 '04.01.1900 (in VBA)
Dim foundRange As Range
For cnt = LBound(someDates) To UBound(someDates)
Set foundRange = Rows(1).Find(someDates(cnt)) 'Error 5 in Excel 2016
If Not foundRange Is Nothing Then
foundRange.Interior.Color = vbRed
End If
Next cnt
ThisWorkbook.Date1904 = False 'all dates with 4 years back
End Sub
Why is November 2016 selected when searching for January 2016:
- Range.Find not making a difference between January and November (February and December) in VBA Excel
It this feature / behaviour documented?
Well, let's say yes
. Although does not specify that it will fail... it does say that the 1904 Date System does not support
dates before 1904
In the 1904 date system, the first day that is supported is January 1, 1904
Nothing new for you above, I suppose.
So, it seems that in Excel 2016/2013 under the Date1904 rule, there is some kind of a check that is made that 04.01.1900 is before the year 1904 and thus it cannot be parsed to a date in the Excel date system? While in Excel 2010 this is not the case
Perhaps it never should have worked? if you try the following code, it will fail to write on the Worksheet
environment (Office 2016):
Cells(1, 1) = CDate("01-01-1902") ' will fail to write the date only in Date1904
Cells(1, 2) = CDate(-200) ' will fail to write the date (runtime error 1004)
So, it makes sense that you fail to find something that should not be able to write in the Worksheet
The following code gives you the first serial date that fails in 1904 Date System -> 1461
(VBA / 1900 Date System: 31.12.1903
Public Sub TestMe2()
Dim strMsg As String
On Error Resume Next
ThisWorkbook.Date1904 = True
For cnt = 5000 To 5 Step -1
Set foundRange = Rows(1).Find(CDate(cnt))
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
'Error 5: cnt = 1461 (31.12.1903 in VBA)
strMsg = "Range.Find failed for CDate(" & cnt & ")" & Chr(13) & _
MsgBox strMsg, vbInformation, "Gap found"
GoTo Test2_End
End If
If Not foundRange Is Nothing Then foundRange.Interior.Color = vbGreen
Next cnt
ThisWorkbook.Date1904 = False
End Sub
It means that when calling Range.Find
, it does interpret 1461
as 31-12-1903
, so as per 1900 System. As the Worksheet
is switched to the 1904 System, that date is not supported. So, yes, there is some kind of conversion behind to refer to 31-12-1903
; otherwise, for 1904 System, it would have tried to find 1/01/1908
for 1904 System => which is 2923
for the 1900 System = 1461
+ 1462
), and the error would have not showed up (1904 serial > 0).
I guess that what is on the VBA
as Date
preserves its identity, regardless of the Date System used in that specific Worksheet
. However, when you go to do operations on the Worksheet
, limitations apply. Not sure if it's a release cut, but I am pretty sure they had waited the chance to get rid of further support in this sense.
I don't think you can work it around at all, unless you avoid to mix source data using different systems. Even though, the comparisons using Long
or Double
(serial date) do not seem to work if you do not apply the offset
of days.
The code below is a modification of yours, to find out about all the options there:
Public Sub TestMe()
Dim cnt As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet, rnCell As Range
Dim txt As String
Dim bln1904 As Boolean, offsetDays As Integer, blnOffset As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
' Select testing mode
bln1904 = (vbYes = MsgBox("Switch temporarily to Date1904?", vbYesNo, "Date Mode"))
ThisWorkbook.Date1904 = bln1904
If bln1904 Then
blnOffset = (vbYes = MsgBox("Apply Offset Days for 1904 to date serials? (1642 days)", vbYesNo, "Date Conversion"))
blnOffset = False
End If
' Fill in Worksheet test data
Cells.Clear 'clearing up all.
Cells(1, 1) = CDate("01-01-1902") ' will fail to write the date only in Date1904
Cells(1, 2) = CDate(-200) ' will fail to write the date
Cells(1, 3) = CDate("31-03-2012") ' in Date1904 will write 30-03-2008
Cells(1, 4) = CDate("31-10-2012") ' in Date1904 will write 30-10-2008
For cnt = 5 To 20
Set rnCell = Cells(1, cnt)
rnCell = DateAdd("M", cnt - 2, DateSerial(2016, 1, 1))
For cnt = 1 To 20
Set rnCell = Cells(1, cnt)
With rnCell
.NumberFormat = "DD-MMM-YY"
.ColumnWidth = 10
End With
Next cnt
' Fill in data to find
Dim someDates(9) As Date
someDates(0) = DateSerial(2016, 1, 1) - IIf(bln1904 , offsetDays, 0)
someDates(1) = 42370 - IIf(bln1904, offsetDays, 0) '01.01.2016 (in VBA)
someDates(2) = CDate("01-04-2016") - IIf(bln1904, offsetDays, 0)
someDates(3) = 42461 - IIf(bln1904, offsetDays, 0) '01.04.2016 (in VBA)
someDates(4) = 42675 - IIf(bln1904, offsetDays, 0) '01.11.2016 (in VBA)
someDates(5) = 40999 - IIf(bln1904, offsetDays, 0) '31.03.2012 (in VBA): 42461 - 1462
someDates(6) = 41213 - IIf(bln1904, offsetDays, 0) '31.10.2012 (in VBA): 42675 - 1462
someDates(7) = 1462 - IIf(bln1904, offsetDays, 0) '01.01.1904 (in VBA)
someDates(8) = 1461 - IIf(bln1904, offsetDays, 0) '31.12.1903 (in VBA)
someDates(9) = 5 - IIf(bln1904, offsetDays, 0) '04.01.1900 (in VBA)
Dim foundRange As Range
For cnt = LBound(someDates) To UBound(someDates)
Set foundRange = Rows(1).Find(someDates(cnt))
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
'Error 5: cnt = 8
strMsg = "Range.Find failed for date " & Format(someDates(cnt), "DD-MM-YYYY") & _
". cnt = " & cnt & Chr(13) & Err.Description
MsgBox strMsg, vbInformation, "Error found"
GoTo Test_End:
End If
If Not foundRange Is Nothing Then
With foundRange
.Interior.Color = vbGreen
If Not (.Comment Is Nothing) Then txt = .Comment.Text
If Not (Trim(txt) = vbNullString) Then .Comment.Delete
txt = IIf(Trim(txt) = vbNullString, "Found for date(s): ", txt & ", ") & _
"D" & cnt & " " & Format(someDates(cnt), "DD-MM-YYYY")
.AddComment (txt)
txt = vbNullString
End With
End If
Next cnt
ThisWorkbook.Date1904 = False 'all dates with 4 years back
End Sub
If you try the different options, will find out that without the offset, things get messed. Aside note, I am not quite sure as per how it confuses January
with November
(clearly a bug?)