[Screenshot below]
I was using ListPlot to draw a smooth line through some data points. But I want to be able to work with the 1st and 2nd derivative of the plot, so I thought I'd create an actual "function" using Interpolation. But as you can see in the picture, it's not smooth. There are some strange spikes when I do Plot[Interpolation[...]...]. I'm wondering how ListPlot get's it's interpolated function, and how I can get the same thing, using Interpolation[] or some other method.
Here is some text for copy/paste:
myPoints = {{0.,3.87},{1.21,4.05},{2.6,4.25},{4.62,4.48},{7.24,4.73},{9.66,4.93},
ListPlot[myPoints, Joined -> True, Mesh -> Full]
Plot[Interpolation[myPoints][x], {x, 0, 27.2}]
The last one has spikes.
Gleno pointed out that my List plot is linear. But what about when both have
InterpolationOrder -> 3?
ListPlot[myPoints, Joined -> True, Mesh -> Full, InterpolationOrder -> 3]
Plot[Interpolation[myPoints, InterpolationOrder -> 3][x], {x, 0, 27.2}]
I believe that the method used by ListPlot
for interpolation is to interpolate each coordinate as a function of the list index. Something like the following looks a lot like the output from ListPlot[...,InterpolationOrder->3]
From such an interpolation you should be able to grab your derivatives via implicit differentiation, e.g. dx/dy == (dx/dt)/(dy/dt). A delight to flaunt that notation in a place where it might make some mathematicians puke :)
Perhaps easier:
interp = Interpolation[myPoints, InterpolationOrder -> 2, Method -> "Spline"]
(*Now let's plot the function and its derivative*)
Plot[{interp'[x], interp[x]},
{x, Min[First /@ myPoints], Max[First /@ myPoints]}, PlotRange -> All]]
In the "region of interest":
Show[Plot[{interp'[x], interp[x]}, {x, 23, 24}], ListPlot@myPoints]
If you want a continuous second derivative, just increase the interpolation order like this:
interp = Interpolation[myPoints, InterpolationOrder -> 3, Method -> "Spline"];
Show[Plot[{interp'[x], interp[x]}, {x, 23, 24}], ListPlot@myPoints]
Sorry to dissapoint you, but the answer is very simple. ListLinePlot
/ ListPlot
just draws a straight line
Plot[Interpolation[myPoints, InterpolationOrder -> 1][x], {x, 0, 27.2}]
produces the same un-hacky line. You may also have varying deress of success applying second order interpolation and using Splines.
Plot[Interpolation[myPoints, InterpolationOrder -> 2, Method -> "Spline"][x], {x, 0, 27.2}]