What's a good text editor in Windows that automatically updates the view whenever the opened file has been modified by another process? I need this to watch the output of my program.
If you like using a mouse, Notepad++ is great
If you're happier with the keyboard, for me, it has to be Emacs. Here's the download for Windows.
To use the feature in Emacs, add the following to your .emacs:
(global-auto-revert-mode t)
There are lots of people at work who like Textpad but I don't understand why, it doesn't even have column editing.
Notepad++ has this feature.
If you want to reload automatically, go to Settings / Preferences, then the MISC tab and uncheck Update silently under File Status Auto-detection.
What I use is snaketail. It can update in real time several files, even without the focus.
I would recommend Notepad2. It refresh the content automatically without focus switching. You just need to go to menu 'Settings' and set 'File Change Notification...' option, and then save your settings. But keep in mind, refresh has a delay about 2-3 seconds.
Editplus is great.
This doesn't really answer your question, but it sounds like what you really want is some kind of console view, not a file. Would it be possible to pipe your program's output into an output stream that's visible in a console instead? Those are designed to show new lines as they arrive, automatically scroll, etc.
See the Viewer (F3 option) in FAR file manager, when End button is pressed, it updates and scrolls text automatically
Use Tail For Windows.
Tail doesn't need to have focus on.
I've got it from superuser.com answer.