How to use key of MAP in Criteria Query?

2019-04-06 19:26发布


I have a Bean like this

Class TestA
    Map<String,TestB> testBMap;

Class TestB
    String data;

I want to fetch the TestA data along with the map testBMap where key ='test1'.

How can i do this using Hibernate.


The key must be the value of one of the persistent fields of TestB (let's says this field is names "foo"), so this code should work :

Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(TestA.class, "a");
criteria.createAlias("a.testBMap", "b");
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("", "test1"));
criteria.setFetchMode("a.testBMap", FetchMode.JOIN);
return criteria.list();


In my case this did work fine:

countries = getSession().createCriteria( Country.class ).add( "region", regions ) )
                .createAlias( "name.translations", "translation" )
                .add( Restrictions.eq( "translation.indices", 'en' )).list();

The mapping is like this: Country has property name which is of type LocalizedText (an entity) LocalizedText contains Map<String, String> translations where key is language code and value is country name that corresponds to that language. So i had to create alias for translations and then user "magic" postfix ".indices" in eq().


Until Hibernate implements JPA's key() function (see HHH-5396), you can use the index() function:

    .createQuery("select a from TestA a join a.testBMap m where index(m) = :key")
    .setParameter("key", "test1")


This works for me:

Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(TestA.class);
criteria.createAlias("testBMap", "t");
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("t." + CollectionPropertyNames.COLLECTION_INDEX, "test1"));
return criteria.list();