I've got following code:
table.select(datediff(table.col("Start Time"), table.col("End Time"))).show()
Date format is 2016-05-19 09:23:28 (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS
Function datediff calculate the difference in days. But I would like to have the difference in seconds.
You can use unix_timestamp()
function to convert date to seconds.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
//For $ notation columns // Spark 2.0
import spark.implicits._
(unix_timestamp($"Start Time") - unix_timestamp($"End Time"))
Edit:(As per comment)
UDF to covert Seconds to HH:mm:ss
sqlContext.udf.register("sec_to_time", (s: Long) =>
((s / 3600L) + ":" + (s / 60L) + ":" + (s % 60L))
//Use registered UDF now
sec_to_time(unix_timestamp($"Start Time") - unix_timestamp($"End Time"))