What does this error mean in IE10/11:
Error: Could not complete the operation due to error 800a025e.
And how would I debug it?
It says its this line:
See it in action here: http://panmedia.github.io/raptor-editor/tests/cases/selection/selection-expand.html
I had this error coming up recently, I fixed it with the following chceck:
var sel = window.document.getSelection();
if (sel.rangeCount > 0 && sel.getRangeAt(0).getClientRects().length > 0) {
I got this error when trying to window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
and there was no selection. One workaround is to check if there is a selection first:
if (window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).getClientRects.length > 0) {
All the error 80020101 means is that there was an error, of some sort, while evaluating JavaScript. If you load that JavaScript via Ajax, the evaluation process is particularly strict.
Could not complete the operation due to error 80020101. IE