
Eclipse Marketplace slow, how to speed it up?

2019-04-06 12:33发布


I consistently get very slow downloads with Eclipse Marketplace (right now 25 kB/s over a 3 MB/s line from http://download.eclipse.org), which make it very tedious to use with Eclipse 3.7 SR 1. "Eclipse marketplace slow" give a lot of false positives when searching.

Is there a trick to speed up the process?

(I just need the egit and m2e-wtp plugins).


You can download the p2 update-sites via your browser, add a local p2 repository pointing to the extracted repository and install them from your local harddrive. for egit: http://www.eclipse.org/egit/download/ but I dont' know if m2e-wtp is available via repository for download.

The advantages (which can have an impact to the speed of that process):

  1. You can choose a mirror when downloading from eclipse.org
  2. You don't have all the xml-overhead from the marketplace-client.

There is also something called "Friends for eclipse" where you get more bandwidth if you donate at least 35$


MyEclipse has high bandwith update mirrors. You could also set up a caching proxy.


My Juno eclipse seems to occasionally hang initializing DND marketplace (Seems to be after adding GAE plugin, but that is supposition).

A workround is to rename the project directories that you are working on. Start eclipse. Then change them back again.

Not entirely an answer to the question asked, but thought I would share anyway.