I work with the Angular CLI and when I run "ng serve" the project is supposed to refresh automatically. However, sometimes, it's not perfect. Sometimes, changes are not refreshed automatically and sometimes it does. When changes are not refreshed, I have to re-run 'ng serve' which wastes a lot of time.
Do you have any way to know in what cases changes are refreshed automatically and when they are not? Also, if I see that I have to re-run 'ng serve', is there any faster way to refresh the project?
I was having the same issue, Angular CLI AutoCompile was not working, I used this command which resolved the issue
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p
It may help you :)
Which version of the CLI are you using? There was a bug in one of the betas where when it set up your project, it did not include a devDependency (@ngtools/webpack)
. That caused an issue where the Typescript compiler wasn't picking up changes to your code, and as a result the refresh wasn't triggered.
I'm pretty sure that issue is now resolved, but depending on when you generated your project, you may still have an invalid package.json
. My advice is to update the CLI as per their instructions, generate a new dummy project, and compare your existing project's configuration with their own and update as needed.
You can open Developer Tool of Browser > chose tab Network> chose check book "Disable cache"
ng serve --poll=1000
From: https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/1610