Requiring authentication in GET and
POST parameters, not only cookies;
Checking the HTTP Referer header;
saw this post on wikipedia and was wondering how I can apply them
ok...I am using the Kohana PHP framework and I have the facility to determine the referrer header, but what exactly do I check in the referrer header? the framework function only returns the URL of the referrer
and how do I validate GET and POST params? against what? stored information? expected type?
To prevent CSRF you\'ll want to validate a one-time token, POST\'ed and associated with the current session. Something like the following . . .
On the page where the user requests to delete a record:
$token= md5(uniqid());
$_SESSION[\'delete_customer_token\']= $token;
<form method=\"post\" action=\"confirm_save.php\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"token\" value=\"<?php echo $token; ?>\" />
Do you really want to delete?
<input type=\"submit\" value=\" Yes \" />
<input type=\"button\" value=\" No \" onclick=\"history.go(-1);\" />
Then when it comes to actually deleting the record:
$token = $_SESSION[\'delete_customer_token\'];
if ($token && $_POST[\'token\']==$token) {
// delete the record
} else {
// log potential CSRF attack.
The token should be hard to guess, unique for each delete request, accepted via $_POST only and expire after a few minutes (expiration not shown in this example).
With referral checking all your doing is looking to make sure the referer is from your site/system. If the referer does not exist or is from a foreign site then the referal check fails and you may not want to honor whatever request is being made.
In the past problems with various technologies and browsers ( al) allowed forgery of referal headers. Its something to consider. There are several methods using javascript to link to resources where the referal data is not present/passed in the request header.
This behavior varies somewhat between browsers. If you use javascript to submit a form your typically ok. If you use something like window.location most likely you should not expect referal data to be present.
A popular method for CSRF prevention is to not use cookies and always pass state between references... Passing a session token in all links throughout an application.
[Note:] Kohana framework is Deprecated, new fork for Kohana PHP 7 is and it does support CSRF functionality is Security class.
You can use Official koseven security feature.
Here is a link to koseven security class.