I just started a simple Java testproject which manages some entities using Hibernate and provides a REST interface to manipulate these objects and provide some additional business logic. The REST interface is created using RESTEasy and Jetty.
Everything works fine so far, but I have the feeling that I'm actually writing too much boilerplate code. As I don't have much experience in these Java frameworks I'm just wondering if anyone could give me a hint on how to improve the situation.
- Creting Hibernate Sessions per Request
Well, as far as I understood I have to create a Hibernate session per request and at the end I have to close it. So currently all of my service methods look like this:
Session session = HibernateUtil.getInstance().getSessionFactory().openSession();
Is there any way to remove these two lines in order to somehow do this automatically? Currently my service is registered as a RestEASY singleton. Will changing to a RESTeasy ressource and creating the session in the constructor solve the problem? I think it will solve the problem of creating the session. But wherer to close it?
In C++ this can easily done be creating a scoped object which closes the session at the end. But in Java?
- Whenever such a REST request is made I have to check for a valid session (the user has to login previously). Is a ServletFilter the right way to do this?
General: Are there any other patterns or frameworks I should consider using? I mean I want to keep it as simple as possible and especially as I dont have that much experience I dont want to end up using Spring or whatever heavyweight framework. Seems that I'm used to the simplicity of Python and Django but for this little project I have to use Java.
THanks so far!