
Why does Yeoman build without /styles/fonts?

2019-04-06 10:41发布


After running grunt build I'm left with no fonts directory inside dist/styles. What am I doing wrong?

Here's what I have in the Gruntfile.js:

    compass: {
        options: {
            sassDir: '<%= yeoman.app %>/styles',
            cssDir: '.tmp/styles',
            imagesDir: '<%= yeoman.app %>/../images',
            javascriptsDir: '<%= yeoman.app %>/scripts',
            fontsDir: '<%= yeoman.app %>/../styles/fonts',
            importPath: 'app/bower_components',
            relativeAssets: true,
        dist: {
            options: {
                imagesDir: '<%= yeoman.dist %>/images',
                fontsDir: '<%= yeoman.app %>/../styles/fonts'
        server: {
            options: {
                debugInfo: true


The compass task isn't responsible for copying fonts over from app to dist. This is instead handled by the copy task, which usually looks like this:

copy: {
  dist: {
    files: [{
      expand: true,
      dot: true,
      cwd: '<%= yeoman.app %>',
      dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>',
      src: [
        'styles/fonts/*' // <-- Where fonts are copied.
    }, {
      expand: true,
      cwd: '.tmp/images',
      dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>/images',
      src: [