How to create a CoffeeScript style existential ope

2019-04-06 02:51发布


CoffeeScript turns user?.id into

if (typeof user !== "undefined" && user !== null) {;

Is it possible to create a JavaScript function exists that would do something similar? i.e.


would result in either or null

It would be easier if a function accepts another parameter, i.e. exists(user, 'id'), but that wouldn't look as nice.


No, you can't produce such a function. The problem is that this:


will produce a ReferenceError if undeclared_variable was not declared anywhere. For example, if you run this stand alone code:

function f() { }

you'll get a ReferenceError because pancakes was not declared anywhere. Demo:

However, the typeof operator can be used on something that has not been declared so this:

console.log(typeof pancakes);

will simply log an undefined in the console. Demo:

If you don't mind possible ReferenceErrors then you already have the necessary function in your question:

function exists(obj, key) {
    if (typeof obj !== "undefined" && obj !== null)
        return obj[key];
    return null; // Maybe you'd want undefined instead

or, since you don't need to be able to use typeof on undeclared variables here, you can simplify it down to:

function exists(obj, key) {
    if(obj != null)
      return obj[key];
    return null;

Note the change to !=, undefined == null is true even though undefined === null is not.


Very old question but made me thinking about this solution.

exists = (obj) => obj || {}


I think this functional approach might be interesting until optional chaining is included in JavaScript (State 1 of TC39):

Using proxies and a Maybe monad, you can implement optional chaining with default value return in case of failure.

A wrap() function is used to wrap objects on which you want to apply optional chaining. Internally, wrap creates a Proxy around your object and manages missing values using a Maybe wrapper.

At the end of the chain, you unwrap the value by chaining getOrElse(default) with a default value which is returned when the chain is not valid:

const obj = {
  a: 1,
  b: {
    c: [4, 1, 2]
  c: () => 'yes'

console.log(wrap(obj).a.getOrElse(null)) // returns 1
console.log(wrap(obj).a.b.c.d.e.f.getOrElse(null)) // returns null
console.log(wrap(obj).b.c.getOrElse([])) // returns [4, 1, 2]
console.log(wrap(obj).b.c[0].getOrElse(null)) // returns 4
console.log(wrap(obj).b.c[100].getOrElse(-1)) // returns -1
console.log(wrap(obj).c.getOrElse(() => 'no')()) // returns 'yes'
console.log(wrap(obj).d.getOrElse(() => 'no')()) // returns 'no'

wrap(obj).noArray.getOrElse([1]).forEach(v => console.log(v)) // Shows 1
wrap(obj).b.c.getOrElse([]).forEach(v => console.log(v)) // Shows 4, 1, 2

The complete example:

class Maybe {
  constructor(value) {
    this.__value = value;
  static of(value){
    if (value instanceof Maybe) return value;
    return new Maybe(value);
  getOrElse(elseVal) {
    return this.isNothing() ? elseVal : this.__value;
  isNothing() {
    return this.__value === null || this.__value === undefined;
  map(fn) {  
    return this.isNothing()
      ? Maybe.of(null)
      : Maybe.of(fn(this.__value));

function wrap(obj) {
  function fix(object, property) {
    const value = object[property];
    return typeof value === 'function' ? value.bind(object) : value;
  return new Proxy(Maybe.of(obj), {
    get: function(target, property) {
      if (property in target) {
          return fix(target, property);
      } else {
        return wrap( => fix(val, property)));

const obj = { a: 1, b: { c: [4, 1, 2] }, c: () => 'yes' };

console.log(wrap(obj).c.getOrElse(() => 'no')())
console.log(wrap(obj).d.getOrElse(() => 'no')())

wrap(obj).noArray.getOrElse([1]).forEach(v => console.log(v)) // Shows 1
wrap(obj).b.c.getOrElse([]).forEach(v => console.log(v)) // Shows 4, 1, 2